- macOS High Sierra
- XAMPP-VM/PHP 7.3.0. Please refer to download
- Moodle version 3.6.1. Please refer to download
- During the Moodle installation on XAMPP, OPCache plugin checking message is displayed. Please refer to the screenshot below
- To check the location of php.ini, browse to http://localhost:8080/dashboard/phpinfo.php
- Obviously, php.ini is located at "/opt/lampp/etc/" directory
- Uncomment ";" at the line 1031 to enable opcache library
- Append the opcache configuration as shown below
[opcache] opcache.enable = 1 opcache.memory_consumption = 128 opcache.max_accelerated_files = 10000 opcache.revalidate_freq = 60 ; Required for Moodle opcache.use_cwd = 1 opcache.validate_timestamps = 1 opcache.save_comments = 1 opcache.enable_file_override = 0 ; If something does not work in Moodle ;opcache.revalidate_path = 1 ; May fix problems with include paths ;opcache.mmap_base = 0x20000000 ; (Windows only) fix OPcache crashes with event id 487 ; Experimental for Moodle 2.6 and later ;opcache.fast_shutdown = 1 ;opcache.enable_cli = 1 ; Speeds up CLI cron ;opcache.load_comments = 0 ; May lower memory use, might not be compatible with add-ons and other apps.
- Restart the XAMPP VM, the OPCache plugin checking message is not prompted anymore.