Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to configure gmail SMTP in Joomla?

Configure Gmail SMTP details

  • Login as "Administrator", click on "System" → "Global Configuration" menu. Click on "Server" submenu.

  • Fill in the details as shown below
  1. Send Mail: YES
  2. Disable Mass Mail: YES
  3. From email: [Your Gmail Accout]
  4. From Name: [Your Name]
  5. Mailer: SMTP
  6. SMTP Host:
  7. SMTP Port 465
  8. SMTP Security: SSL/TLS
  9. SMTP Authentiation: YES
  10. SMTP Username: [Your Gmail Username]
  11. SMTP Password: [Your Gmail Password]
  • Make sure the extension=php_openssl.dll is enabled at php.ini
  • Click on "Send Test Mail" button to test the mail is delivered.

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